Mark Blackshear: From a Photographer's Blind

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Dancing Luminaries

February 14th, 2013
The lights of the city dance brilliantly in my mind.

The lights of the city dance brilliantly in my mind.

My photographic leanings have often been towards the chronicling of movement in its innumerable manifestations.

One testament has elusively avoided my grasp: the strangely beautiful relationship between stage lighting and movement. I can’t tell if it is something only I perceive, or what was actually there, because of the way that stage lighting was designed to function.

Here, however, I demonstrate a current and related contemplation I’ve had regarding light. With music and rhythms dancing in my mind, on one of my strolls in my Brooklyn neighborhood, I let that illumination in, and allowed myself the freedom to gyrate, with camera in hand, to the music I contemplated or composed in my mind. The result is an execution restrained only by the limitations imposed by my camera.

4 Responses to “Dancing Luminaries”

  1. Lola

    I think your work is interesting. Very imaginative. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Jean

    Agreed that movement and light are exciting things to capture photographically, and you have done it well! Thank you for sending.

  3. Zandra

    So striking, and so much movement. It is very literally “electric”! These are very enjoyable to view.
    My favorite is the first slide on the left (in the bottom row).

  4. Mark Blackshear

    Thanks for noticing and making a comment on my journal

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